Why We Won't Rent Your Property and Sublet it

Why We Won't Rent Your Property and Sublet it

Many rental agents rent your property and sublet it. Read more about why we question both the legal and ethical aspects of such a model as well as why we have chosen the model we work with. 

Rental Insurances and Guarantees

Rental Insurances and Guarantees

Do you need to buy expensive add-on insurance when you rent your home? What do all these "Trygghetsförsäkringar" and rental guarantees that you see on the Swedish rental market really mean?

Tips on How to Create the Best Property Ad

Tips on How to Create the Best Property Ad

Create a property ad in under 1 minute. Get a professional ad at no cost. Read our how-to tips on how to create the best listing for your property rental. 

Swedish Rental Leases, Dos and Don'ts

Swedish Rental Leases, Dos and Don'ts

What are the critical components of a Swedish lease? Can I use a free Swedish lease template when renting my property? What should be included in a Swedish lease? Can I find an estate agent to assist me?

Rental Statistics & Trends Stockholm 2024

Rental Statistics & Trends Stockholm 2024

Rental Statistics & Trends on the market in Stockholm city on closed deals. We update continuously on what trends we observe on the market and statistics on rental prices. 

Tips For Marketing Your Property in Sweden

Tips For Marketing Your Property in Sweden

We have listed our best advice on how to show a property for potential tenant's and how to find the best suitable tenant. 

How Much Should I Clean Before a Showing?

How Much Should I Clean Before a Showing?

How do you maximize your home's curb appeal when showing it for a potential tenant? Here are our tope 10 tips on how to prepare your home!

What is Included in a Furnished Swedish rental?

What is Included in a Furnished Swedish rental?

What is expected in terms of inventory when renting a furnished rental in Sweden?

Tips for Digital Showings

Tips for Digital Showings

It is not impossible to show your home. Covid-19 changed the rental industry and we continue to do many digital showings vs IRL. Read our digital showing tips to get your home rented digitally!

Should I Rent My Home to A Company or a Private Individual?

Should I Rent My Home to A Company or a Private Individual?

Is the rental law the same if I rent to a company or a person? What are the pros of renting to a company or a person? How are the mobility trends to Sweden looking?

How to Give Notice on a Swedish Lease

How to Give Notice on a Swedish Lease

How to correctly give notice on a Swedish lease in order for it to be legally binding. 

Who Can Sign a Corporate Lease in Sweden?

Who Can Sign a Corporate Lease in Sweden?

Who is really authorized to sign a corporate lease in Sweden? There is quite a bit of confusion about this, even on corporate level, regarding this. If a rental lease is not signed by the correct person, the lease is null and void. 

Can the BRF Veto my Sublet?

Can the BRF Veto my Sublet?

A Swedish co-op board can still veto an owner's sublet. Read more about the aftermath of the law change 2014 and the cases that have come after. 

Home Insurance when Renting your Property in Sweden

Home Insurance when Renting your Property in Sweden

What kind of home insurance do you need when renting your home in Sweden?

How Do You Determine What is Normal Wear and Tear?

How Do You Determine What is Normal Wear and Tear?

How is normal wear and tear of a subleased property in Sweden determined? Read our guide on what to think about and how this is regulated by law. 

How to do a Move-in Report when Renting a Property

How to do a Move-in Report when Renting a Property

Step by step guide on how to do your own move-in report when renting out a property in Sweden. 

Tips for Writing an Inventory List

Tips for Writing an Inventory List

A step-by-step guide to putting together a legally binding inventory list before subletting your home. !

Property Inspections in Sweden

Property Inspections in Sweden

How critical is it to have a written inspection for Swedish rentals?

3 Critical Components of a Swedish Sublet

3 Critical Components of a Swedish Sublet

What are the three critical components of all Swedish sublets. If you do these 3 things correctly, you will have increased your chances of having a smooth tenancy. Check the list!

Checklist of Things to Think of Before Letting Tenant Move In

Checklist of Things to Think of Before Letting Tenant Move In

What are the important things to think of before turing over your rental in Sweden? Checklist of cirtical components in order to have a secure sublet by crossing the i's and crossing the t's. 

Taxation for Swedish Rentals

Taxation for Swedish Rentals

How are you taxed when you sublet a home in Sweden? It varies depending on the circumstances of your sublet. We have compiled frequently asked questions about how taxes are assessed. 

How-to Videos About Subletting in Sweden

How-to Videos About Subletting in Sweden

Watch our how-to videos on how to sublet your home in Sweden. Videos on everything from how to best show your home to how to assess what is considered normal wear or tear (or not) when your tenant moves out. 

Should I Rent my Home Instead of Selling?

Should I Rent my Home Instead of Selling?

Should I rent my property instead of selling it? When a real estate market falters on the sales side, there are effects on the rental market. Read our how-to guide on how to rent your home if the sales market did not deliver what you had hoped!

Subletting to your own Employer?

Subletting to your own Employer?

Is it a good idea to sublet to one's own employer? Are there tax implications for doing so? Anything else I should think about?

Rental Calculator for all of Sweden

Rental Calculator for all of Sweden

Use our Swedish rent calculator to see what landlords are advertising their properties for in different areas in Sweden! Naturally, larger metropolitan areas such as Stockholm and Gothenburg will have deeper data to aggregate and more precise results!

Who is Responsible for the Garden During a Rental?

Who is Responsible for the Garden During a Rental?

What can you expect a tenant to do in your garden when you rent out your home? What are our recommendations based on handling rentals for house owners since 2003?

How Should the Association Think About Rental to a Legal Entity?

How Should the Association Think About Rental to a Legal Entity?

Why do some BRFs say no to renting to companies? What are the common misconceptions and how can you as a landlord convince the BRF to let you rent to a company?