Experience the Charm of Ystad in Our Historic 19th-Century Townhouse!
Welcome to our centrally located townhouse, the perfect base for exploring everything Ystad has to offer. Right outside your door, you'll find the picturesque town center with cozy squares, pedestrian streets, restaurants, and cultural attractions. The house also offers views of the park, marina, and beach, where you can enjoy the tranquility of the sea.
Whether you're visiting Ystad during sunny summer days or the more mysterious autumn and winter months, our home and the town itself provide the ideal starting point for your adventure. Wander through the town's beautiful alleys and streets and let yourself be enchanted by the historic atmosphere.
Our home comfortably accommodates up to four people, featuring one double bed and two single beds. The fully equipped kitchen has everything you need to prepare meals for four. The bathroom includes a shower and washing machine, and there is also a separate toilet for your convenience.
Dream accommodation among meadows and sea views.
Newly renovated house with 2 bedrooms, space for 4-8 people. Social areas with ...
Available from
1 Sep
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