This is a unique opportunity to rent the historic Villa Pardala, beautifully located in prime southern facing location by Lake Mälaren in a scenic, quiet and idyllic residential area.
Villa Pardala is a national romantic villa built in 1906 by castle architect HG Sandels. Here you are met by an appealing combination of beautiful older details such as tiled stoves, solid floorboards, pearl pontoons and a so called punch porch together with modern amenities such as a large pool and lounge area with outdoor kitchen & bar, outdoor shower, wine cellar, indoor gym, guest house and nearby boat mooring.
In the separate building, there is a carpenter's shed, planting room, guest room with underfloor heating and an associated glazed conservatory with infrared heating and an additional barbecue area with evening sun. Next to the separate building there is also a hot tub deck for year-round use with miles-long views of Stäksundet, Mälaren and Färingsö.
In Villa Pardala, you live in a peaceful environment next to the shoreline and lovely green areas, surrounded by several nature reserves. Short walking distance to the boat club and bathing area with sandy beach and rock bathing. Several well-regarded golf courses, such as Bro Hof Slott, Svartinge and Kungsängen Golf Club, can be reached within a 15-minute drive. Equally close, you will find numerous equestrian associations and shopping in Barkarby Handelsplats.
With well-developed communications, Stockholm City can be reached in 25 minutes by commuter train or car. Arlanda and Bromma airports can also be reached within the same time. Distance on foot includes bus stop directly adjacent to the property as well as the nearest commuter train station approximately 15 minutes' walk along a scenic, newly renovated beach promenade.
Large classic villa in top condition with a beachfront 60 m from Edsviken's water.
Discover this beautiful 20th-century villa of ...
Available from
15 Sep
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