A nice, bright 3rd apartment on Lidingö is rented out for a longer period as we currently live abroad. The apartment is located on a quiet cul-de-sac, close to the city and the center of Lidingö. There are very good bus connections over the Lidingö bridge, just outside the door, which take you to Ropsten, where both bus, boat and subway go into the city. The apartment is of a high standard and has all amenities such as a dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer. It also includes a spacious attic storage room. The rent includes electricity, water, internet and TV. We have some ceiling lights and curtains left, as well as a dining table that can remain if future tenants wish. A television hangs in the built-in bookcase, which we wish would remain. There is also a TV in bedroom 2 that the future tenant can decide if they want.
Newly produced 1.5 room apartment at the top of the building (floor 5/5). Lots of windows provide a bright flat. Large balcony wit...
Available from
1 Oct
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