Nice townhouse in Sollentuna for long-term rental. The house is located 5 min walk from Norrviken Station, with buses and train that takes ca 20 min to Stockholm City, or 15 min to Arlanda airport.The house has an area of 113 sqm, distributed in 3 bedroom, 2 bath, well equiped kitchen with dinning area, livingroom, own laundryroom, storage/kontor. The house has also a 25 sqm terrase undet roof and a small garden that gets the sun a big part of the day during summer time, private tennis court and free parking outside the house. The house was totally renovated 2012, repainted 2018 and is rented out unfurnished or partly furnished. The house is located in a very safe, nice and chield-friendly area, close to medical center, day care, school, grocery shops, etc. There is also a nature reserved park and 2 small lakes for bathing and swimming.
The house is equipped with fiber and parking is included.
the property is located in Silverdal in Sollentuna, which was newly built in 2022, first move-in date was 20221101. the apartment ...
Available from
9 Oct
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