the property is located in Silverdal in Sollentuna, which was newly built in 2022, first move-in date was 20221101. the apartment is freehold and free to rent. Now we are looking for new tenants from and including the first of September 2024 (09-01-2024) until further notice. The apartment is 55 m2, with 2.5 rooms, a bedroom, a study (study or another bedroom), a living room and kitchen.
The apartment also comes with a free parking lot with an electric charging box for electric cars and also a storage room.
Electricity, water, heat, internet included Not in the rent, charged separately based on actual consumption
The renter has the opportunity to register/enroll at the address
the property is located in Silverdal in Sollentuna, which was newly built in 2022, first move-in date was 20221101. the apartment ...
Available from
9 Oct
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