Modern villa 2012 not furnished but fully equipped, with geothermal system (low heating cost), luminous interior (all big windows with blinds), spacious (3+1 sl-rooms), big American kitchen, wood stove, 2 bathrooms + 1 sauna, nice TV area and large outdoor terraces, 2 dressings, large covered bike parking next to the carport. The villa is located in Sjöberg Sollentuna in a calm and friendly neigbourhood. In walking (few steps) distance of bus, market places, beach and forest. 10' away from Mörby center & subway, from Sollentuna Station, Danderyd Primary School and Danderyd hospital. By subway is Stockholm city easily and quickly accessible from Mörby center.
Modern villa located by the beautiful Edsviken, close to the lake, nature, restaurants, and Stockholm city. Approximately 300 mete...
Available from
1 Jul
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