Charming Family Home for Rent in Älvsjö, Stockholm
Welcome to this beautifully maintained family home located in the serene neighborhood of Älvsjö, Stockholm. The house offers a spacious and bright interior, featuring a modern kitchen, a cozy living room with large windows allowing natural light to flood the space, and comfortable bedrooms ideal for restful nights. The home also includes a stylish bathroom and a well-designed children's room.
Outside, you'll find a large, sunny backyard perfect for outdoor activities and relaxation. The deck area is great for hosting barbecues or simply enjoying the peaceful surroundings. The property is nestled in a quiet area with easy access to public transportation, schools, and local amenities.
Whether you're a family looking for a long-term rental or someone who values comfort and tranquility, this house is the perfect choice.
Very welcome to our house in Älvsjö 8-10 min walk from Fruängen metro station. In the house we hav a flat of two bedrooms, which w...
Available from
1 Sep
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