Welcome to Skiftesvägen, Spånga Welcome to Skiftesvägen, Spånga/Bromma Lovely villa by Solvalla with a free and sunny location in front of horse paddocks. The home is 160m2. The house has an open floor plan with generous ceiling height and large windows that let in the light. Spacious kitchen with, among other things, a large kitchen island and adjacent space for a dining table with 12 seats. Balcony door to the large balcony of approx. 30m2 with sun all day and evening. On this level there is also a toilet with a shower. The kitchen comes from Noblessa and has Carrera marble worktops and a built-in fridge and freezer, also a dishwasher is built-in. All white goods from Siemens. There are 3 bedrooms and a family room. The bathroom is generously proportioned with windows that let in the light without being see-through. The bathroom is equipped with a heated towel rail, underfloor heating, a shower and a large chest of drawers with 4 drawers. On the walls and floor are elegant granite ceramics. Furthermore, here is a large bright room of almost 30m2 that can be used for many things. Storage is located on the plot which basically needs no maintenance at all. High location on plot and house and no visibility and free location with bright plot. Walking distance only 200 meters to bus stop. Preschools and schools are also within walking distance. Bromma Blocks is barely 2 km away and there are grocery stores, several restaurants, gym, hotel, hairdresser etc. About the home * Totally renovated 2019 * The kitchen is newly renovated (0-5 years) * The bathroom is newly renovated (0-5 years) * Pool 8X4 sqm * Balcony approx. 150 sqm Electricity is not included Water / soup collection is not included Costs for the above approx. SEK 6500/ Mon Renovations The kitchen is newly renovated (0-5 years) The bathroom
* Townhouses in a unique park setting next to Ulfsunda Castle
* Idyllic, child-friendly area in one of Stockholm's most beautiful ...
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1 Sep
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