Small house with some outdoor terrasses 3 bedroom + 1 small Guest bedroom/workplace 2 bathrooms (1 with shower and 1 with bathtub)
for families or friends (for shared accommodation) who arrive in Stockholm, furnished house for rent for 4 months (from the end of October to the end of February): 3 bedrooms + 1 office space/guest room, 2 bathrooms, bikes, car, skis, sleds, ice skates and sauna optional ;-) Aspudden metro (red line direct to T-centralen in 20min, not far from the French high school 10min by bike or car or 20min by tram, Trekkanten and Mälaren lakes at the bottom of the house accessible on foot) Good plan if you are looking for temporary accommodation when you arrive while you buy a home for example..? Write to us if interested! Clément and Laetitia Ps: price negotiable depending on duration and number of people / options
Small house with some outdoor terrasses
3 bedroom + 1 small Guest bedroom/workplace
2 bathrooms (1 with shower and 1 with bathtub)...
Available from
28 Oct
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