Modern Corner Apartment with Balcony and Evening Sun
Welcome to this bright and modern corner apartment, built in 2016, located on the 7th floor with a fantastic view of Hammarby Canal and a balcony with evening sun. The apartment offers a tranquil atmosphere with proximity to the canal, outdoor dining, and walking paths. Interior: • Number of rooms: 4 (including 3 bedrooms) • Living area: 93.5 m² • Kitchen: Modern and well-equipped kitchen with stylish materials, stainless steel appliances, and plenty of storage space. Open floor plan towards the living room. • Living room: Spacious living room with large windows that let in plenty of light. Access to a large balcony with a lounge area and grill, offering a lovely view of Hammarby Canal. • Bedrooms: Three bright bedrooms of varying sizes. The largest bedroom is adjacent to the living room with a view of the water, furnished with a double bed and ample storage behind mirrored sliding doors. The other two bedrooms are adjacent to the hall. The larger of these has a 140 cm bed and a workspace. The smaller bedroom is equipped with a childrens bed and two wardrobes. • Hall: Welcoming hall with practical gray tiled flooring and plenty of storage space. The guest toilet is accessible from the hall. • Bathroom: Large bathroom with a bathtub, washing machine, and dryer.
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