Welcome to rent my mini-two of 37 sqm at the leafy Kronobergsparken in central Kungsholmen. The home is quietly located in the courtyard with a large balcony and is in very good condition. Works well as a home for both singles and couples.
Fully equipped kitchen with everything you could possibly need in the form of kitchen utensils and crockery as well as a dishwasher. The apartment is rented partially furnished with a bed, TV, TV bench, balcony sofa and dining table chairs. The bedroom has a 1.40 bed. You can happily furnish the sofa and dining table yourself. Access to bicycle storage and laundry is in the house with plenty of times available.
The apartment is located around the corner from Fridhemsplan, where you have all the communication you could possibly need with buses and both the blue and green subway line. The majority of shops and restaurants are to be discovered and Norrmälarstrand's beautiful promenade is only a few minutes away. Across St Eriksbron you also have the pleasant Rörstrandsgatan.
Can be rented out as soon as the association approves the tenant with 1 month's notice. The rent includes electricity, water, broadband and partially furnished.
Get in touch if it sounds interesting and feel free to write a few lines about yourself.
Bright apartment on 4th floor with view of Riddarfjärden's water. Renovated kitchen and bathroom, bright & spacious living room an...
Available from
1 Oct
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