Studio apartment for rent on Södermalm in the popular Bergsunds strand area. Here you live in a nice property from the 40's on 26 well-planned square meters that accommodates everything you need, with light from all three windows. The apartment is renovated in 2019.
Bed, sofa bed for possible night guests, coffee table, pull-out dining table with chairs and a fully equipped kitchen area that holds a lot. Refrigerator, gas stove and microwave are of course available. The tiled bathroom has a shower. Laundry room can be found in the basement.
Here you get the best of Stockholm! You live in the middle of town with shops and restaurants outside the junction while you have the water just a few meters outside the apartment with fantastic walking paths along Bergsund beach, Reimersholme and Långholmen.
"55" Centrally located, unfurnished 1 bedroom apartment with balcony, stone's throw to metro station. 5th floor. Nice living room ...
Available from
1 Oct
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