"36". Centrally located, UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom apartment with balcony, a stone's throw away from metro station. 3rd floor, facing two directions. Big living room with balcony. Kitchen with large dining space and dishwasher. One bigger and one smaller bedroom. Good hallway with lots of storage. Nice bathroom with shower/WC, washer/dryer. NB: Shower in bathroom (the layout plan’s bathtub is incorrect). Pets may be accepted, under certain conditions. Minimum 1 year contract and 1 month safety deposition. Landlord with extensive experience of rentals to both companies and private individuals.
We currently only accept company contracts.
Please state "36" as a reference no. when you contact us.
"55" Centrally located, unfurnished 1 bedroom apartment with balcony, stone's throw to metro station. 5th floor. Nice living room ...
Available from
1 Oct
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