Luxury Apartment for Rent at Torsplan, Vasastan, Stockholm
Experience modern living in this stunning apartment located in the heart of Vasastan at Torsplan, Stockholm. This luxurious home offers a spacious and open floor plan, featuring a sleek, fully-equipped kitchen, a bright and airy living room with floor-to-ceiling windows, and elegantly designed bedrooms with breathtaking views of the city. The apartment also includes a stylish bathroom with high-end finishes and a private balcony, perfect for enjoying the cityscape.
Residents have access to top-tier amenities, including a fully-equipped gym, wellness area, and communal spaces designed for relaxation and socializing. The building’s prime location in Vasastan ensures easy access to trendy cafes, fine dining, shopping, and excellent public transportation options.
This apartment is ideal for those who appreciate luxury, convenience, and a vibrant urban lifestyle.
Duplex apartment ; 77 square meters near the Vanadisplan with its own gardens in the attractive area and cultural preserved Rödabe...
Available from
4 Sep
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