Duplex apartment ; 77 square meters near the Vanadisplan with its own gardens in the attractive area and cultural preserved Rödaberg , Vasatan, Stockholm. Apartment in 2 floors, high ceilings, 3 rooms and kitchen, 3 hall, 1 bedroom, 1 bedroom / office, living room and kitchen, bathroom. All rooms in quiet location on association courtyard. In the upper floor, cozy bedroom with fine details, dimmable ceiling lighting, double Tempur mattress. An office / bedroom with sofa / bed, desk and chair. Living room integrated with kitchen on the lower floor with sofa and TV. Bathroom with shower, bath tub, underfloor heating, as well as dimmable lighting. The whole apartment's floor is in wood oiled with white wax. Flat screen TV with chromecast available in two of the rooms. Fully equipped kitchen, countertop in exclusive quartz, stainless steel cabinet doors, induction cooktop, oven, microwave, integrated dishwasher, pantry etc. The kitchen is integrated into the living room with 2 double windows. There are plenty of restaurants and cafes in the area. A large number of food stores are located in the neighborhood. Karolinska Hospital, Torsplan / Hagastaden is beside. It is close to Rörstrandsgatan with restaurants and bars. The royal and green area of Hagaparken and Vasaparken with got are nearby. Excellent communications with the Green Line's Green Line at S.T Eriksplan (and Odenplan) with several innercity buses, commuter train at Odenplan station and the airport buses to Arlanda. In the property there is a sauna, laundry room, cyckel room, common room. For rent to a caring couple or single man, woman. Must be non-smoking and non-animals. Deposit required. Possibility of extending the rental period. Interested parties are welcome to contact me preliminarily with a description of themselves via e-mail, for further viewing.
Duplex apartment ; 77 square meters near the Vanadisplan with its own gardens in the attractive area and cultural preserved Rödabe...
Available from
4 Sep
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