Newly Built Residence in Charming Spånga - Nya Bromstenstaden, with Plenty of Services and Amenities Nearby Welcome to a newly built residence located in Nya Bromstenstaden, Spånga. This home is ideal for those seeking a modern and comfortable living environment in a peaceful and pleasant setting.
About the Residence The apartment features a well-planned layout with an open floor plan that invites social interaction and maximizes space efficiency. The spacious bedroom can accommodate both a double bed and a desk, making it the perfect home for a couple. High-quality materials, including stone window sills and white-lacquered oak parquet flooring, provide a modern feel. A large balcony that serves as an extra room during the summer months can be accessed from the bedroom, where you can enjoy unobstructed views and excellent sunlight exposure. There is ample storage space in the storage room/closet and several wardrobes.
The residence includes a lovely communal courtyard with seating areas, plantings, convenient bicycle storage, and play areas—a natural gathering spot for you and your neighbors!
Within a few minutes' walk, you’ll reach the cozy Spånga Torg, which offers a charming small-town atmosphere. Here, you will find excellent transportation options in the form of commuter trains and buses, as well as a library, healthcare center, gym, bakery, several restaurants, and everything else you might need. Additionally, Lidl and Coop are just a stone's throw away.
Living in Bromstensstaden means being within a short distance of the city. The commuter train takes you to Stockholm City in just 14 minutes, and buses provide easy access to much of the northern and western suburbs.
Newly Built Residence in Charming Spånga - Nya Bromstenstaden, with Plenty of Services and Amenities Nearby
Welcome to a newly bui...
Available from
1 Sep
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