Welcome to a charming and well-planned house on genuine Skarpö, a gem just outside Vaxholm. This fully modern little year-round house offers a perfect combination of comfort and scenic surroundings. It is easily accessible via car ferry from Vaxholm or Värmdö. The house is located 3 km from the ferry terminal, so having a car is practical but not necessary.
The house is equipped with wood-burning stoves, has a sea view, and a sunny garden plot facing south. It's only a one-minute walk to the beach. The accommodation includes bedrooms, a sleeping loft, and a comfortable sofa bed, as well as a freshly renovated bathroom with a shower and WC.
There is a fast internet connection via open fiber and a wide range of TV channels. The house has exits from three of the rooms to a deck that surrounds the house.
Skarpö offers a tranquil and scenic environment. Here, you can enjoy walks, nature, and the calming effect of tranquility. At the same time, you are close to Vaxholm with its cafes, restaurants, and shops.
You get the best of both worlds – a relaxing oasis close to the city's pulse!
Lovely penthouse apartment with balcony toward quiet courtyard. Perfect location just by the city library. Walking distance to Ode...
Available from
1 Dec
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