Country house for rent Now there is the chance to rent a house in the countryside but still close to town (40km Gothenburg, 15km Alingsås, 4km to a primary school with after-school care). 🏠 The house is about 110 sqm, 3 bedrooms and living room on the upper floor, 2 rooms, kitchen, bathroom and bright glass veranda on the lower floor, large garden with apple and pear trees. 🔥Heating primarily with wood, different kind of stoves, but also wall and floor heating system (annual consumption about 12,000kwh and 12m3 of firewood) 🚰 Own well and infiltration sewage system ⏳ Rental period from Christmas or as discussed for at least 1 year, possible extension 🐈 A cat lives here and is in behave of love 🌻Suitable for 2 - 5 people (2 adults, 3 children) who are looking for a quiet and peaceful country life, appreciate having nature around them, like to take care of the garden and treat other people's property as if it were their own. Due to newly laid wooden floor preferably without a dog. 🌲We are looking for someone who would appreciate living in a charming 19th century house that has been renovated with clay walls, painted with tempera or insulated with flax. House will be furnished. NOT for sale! ❤️ It is more important for us to find the ‘right’ people / family, than to get the highest price. 🪚A plus is if you are handy / self-propelled / solution-oriented and like to heat with wood. 📝If you think this might be something for you, send a PM and tell us a little about you.
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