In the nature-filled neighborhood of Logementet in Kviberg, you will find this well-planned two-bedroom apartment with lovely natural light and excellent storage options. The apartment features oak parquet flooring and light, painted walls that create a cozy and natural atmosphere. You will have a fully tiled bathroom in warm tones with a combined washer and dryer, and a modern kitchen equipped with everything from energy-efficient stainless steel appliances and a dishwasher to a glass-ceramic cooktop and water-saving faucets.
Kviberg offers a lot in terms of both forests and nature, as well as sports activities and cultural life. Here, you live comfortably with close proximity to most things—grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, the liquor store, and cafés. In the same building, you will also find a foot care clinic and a deli shop. As a resident of Logementet, you have access to rent both electric cars and electric bikes through OurGreenCar. If you want to go into the city, central Gothenburg is just a bike ride away or a tram stop across the street.
The rent includes heating, water, internet, and TV channels. Electricity is not included.
I am looking for a responsible person or people who will take care of the apartment and respect the neighborly atmosphere. You should be smoke-free and pet-free. No payment defaults.
Modern, well equipped apartment with perfect location in Johanneberg, only 3-4 min walking from Chalmers as well as a few minutes ...
Available from
4 Nov
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