Starting from October 1st, I am renting out my lovely apartment in central Gothenburg. It is a well-planned 62 square meters with a large living room, a walkthrough kitchen, and a bedroom with a balcony that gets morning sun. There is a walk-in closet and a bathroom with a bathtub. The entire apartment was renovated in 2020-2021; the bathroom has not had its plumbing replaced, but it does have new appliances since the renovation.
The apartment is rented out furnished (this can be discussed) and costs 10,400 SEK per month. Electricity and internet are not included.
The apartment is located on Övre Husargatan in the quiet Annedal neighborhood, just a stone’s throw from Slottskogen and within crawling distance of Järntorget. It’s very close to both a grocery store (Hemköp) and tram stops (Brunnsgatan/Olivedalsgatan/Linneplatsen).
Modern, well equipped apartment with perfect location in Johanneberg, only 3-4 min walking from Chalmers as well as a few minutes ...
Available from
4 Nov
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