A charming 1920s terraced house in the popular Örgryte garden town with a view of Gothenburg to the west. 2 floors of approx. 65 m2 each and an insulated and furnished attic of approx. 50 m2. Floor 1 is divided into hall, kitchen from Kvänum, dining area for 4, shower room with toilet and living room with fireplace. The table in the living room easily accommodates 8 people. Exit to the terrace and the paved garden. Level 2 has 2 large rooms and a shower room with toilet. Master bedroom has a balcony to the west. Wardrobes in both rooms. Today, the room facing the street is used as an office but can easily be changed to a bedroom. Level 3/the attic has a family room as well as a smaller bedroom and a smaller storage room. Access to laundry room in the basement. The basement, which has a separate entrance, is intended by the lessor to be kept as storage. The home is rented furnished, but the furnishings can be adjusted as desired. The house is heated with district heating and has a fiber connection. Free parking on the street.
Modern, well equipped apartment with perfect location in Johanneberg, only 3-4 min walking from Chalmers as well as a few minutes ...
Available from
4 Nov
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